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Monday 23 April 2012

Rising Sexuality In Children

As per usual, I was on the bus travelling home from college with two of my mates. Whilst having our own conversation about our experiences at college that day, we all overheard some of the younger pupils from the lower school. This was the conversation that was overheard:
Girl 1: "Oh my days, actually I'm 12 not 13"
Boy 1: "Don't matter how old you are, you still having sex"

When my mates and I heard this, we were all pretty shocked. As all of us are over the age of 16 and this was disturbing to US. Some of the lines that ran through my head were:
"At your age I was doing homework not my boyfriend"
"When I was your age I was playing with Lego not penis'"

My thinking, then distracted by a text message from the friend sitting next me "Dear Lord". As I received this text I decided to listen in to more of the conversation. Wrong? In some ways. Eaves dropping has always been frowned upon, but over-hearing some of the conversations of 12 year olds who think they're "in love" with their boyfriend and want to "marry them" is absolutely ridiculous.I know of 25 year olds who have been in relationships since they were 17 and haven't thought of marriage at all.

As many know, children are becoming mature a lot quicker. This may be due to the rising pregnancies in teenagers , may be due to the type of music that children listen to. Take Rihanna's hit "Rude Boy" for example.
"Come here rude boy, boy can you get it up? Come here rude boy, boy is you big enough?"
Now, to me, that seems quite sexual. To younger children, they may have no idea what it's about, and will go around saying it to people, becoming provocative. This then leads to increased sexuality.

At the weekend, I saw a few family members. My cousin was there and she's 14, I saw her, and had to take a SECOND look. She was plastered in make-up wearing a see-through black dress and 3-inch heels. She's my cousin, I shouldn't need to take second looks. I can't be hypocritical because I was wearing make-up at a young age (ONLY due to the fact that I performed on stage and it's compulsory you wear make-up) I wore make-up for my own benefit when I got to the age of 16 and that was only the odd bit of eye-make up  only if I could be bothered..

Back to the subject at hand, the children at the back of the bus were rather loud and were telling each other their sexual experiences, my friends and I were only a few seats in front of them and was over-hearing every disturbing word:

Girl 2: Fine, I won't kiss you... or FUCK you tonight
Girl 1: That's my cousin blud!

Expressions were ":O" for at least 5 minutes.

This is shocking, no child at the age of 12 should be talking about sex... Unless it's about what they learned in Sex Education that day. Revolting, disgusting and uncalled for...

Rant Over...

See you next time :) x

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