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Just Jenni, and my blog. Whether it's ranting or inspirational. Weekly blogs will be posted... If I'm not busy :)

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Controller

As the youngest of my family, I have a deep emotional attachment to all members. However, almost 4 years ago, one of my close family members got in to a relationship with a girl. All was well until last year. She started becoming controlling, and due to my emotional attachment to this family member, I was displeased.

The nice and loveable girlfriend had turned into the evil and controlling female that was taking my family member away from me. Her and I always had slight issues, but recently she'd been pushing my buttons a little too hard, and had started to really bug me.

Now, lets start from the first incident... Picture this, 3 young people (E,C,G) , in a kitchen... The eldest young person (C) is doing every day household chores, the youngest (G) is doing the same. The person in the middle (E), is standing... Doing nothing. E is standing by the fridge... Within millimetres of the handle of said fridge... E ASKS C to grab a drink from the fridge because E's hurt her leg...

Honestly, She was standing right there... but like a loyal dog C got the drink for E and wagged his tail... 

I was appalled by this behaviour, I mentioned something to my dad... And as the wise old man my father is... He said "we can't do anything, he's her bitch. Live with it"

So, as a young person, I took his advice, and carried on with my teenagery life.

Sooner or later, E stopped talking to me, E thought that I was taking C away from E... I was shocked C was MY family member... I've known C longer... 17 years in fact... that's 13 years more than E knows C... So I let E stop talking to me... and floated around E like a ghost, trying to annoy E to make E talk to me... (I'm such an immature little git) 

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months... I decided to confront E... Find out the reason behind E's silence... I apologised and everything went back to normal... (E started pretending to be my best friend again)

Everything was fine until more recently.... A few hours ago in fact... I was sitting in a room with C and E... E decides to mention to C that E forgot to thank a family member for sponsoring E to do something... I mentioned that I was doing the race for life in July (for any that would like to sponsor, you can donate online at www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/karolinaandjenni... Cheers people) I also mentioned that my Nan had donated £30 to me and a friend for the race for life, Although we are only doing 3 miles, but nonetheless we're still participating. E's reply was "I raised like £500 in a week and you're only walking a poxy 3 miles" Sorry LOVE! but I'm participating in the race for life in memory of my late mother and to save potential lives... So suck on it ! (If you haven't already noticed, my hatred for E is ridiculous)

Also, more recently, like LITERALLY during the writing of this blog. E walked in to my room.... Stole a Flake from my desk and decided to throw it at my head... Immature? I would say so... But this is how she acts on a regular basis.

So all I have to say for now is that certain people over the age of 18 need to act their age and realise that some people do not like being called a "whore" because you fancy like calling them it... Also, stop stealing my Coca Cola.... It's mine... You want to play dirty, I will too... My Cola dude, not yours... Get your own cola

Ciao for now :) x

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