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Monday 30 April 2012

Beautiful Birthday Wishes

Above ^^ is the beautiful birthday girl. Isn't she amazingly beautiful? No homo :p

Now, as I am unfortunately an August born baby, I do not have the amazing advantage of being able to celebrate my birthday during school time... So this is why I was so excited for such an occasion. Having a friend who's birthday is during the week and NOT during a holiday is a rarity for me... So as I do, I went all out on birthday presents... I gave myself a budget of £10- £15, which really in all honesty, isn't that much. I found out the birthday girls favourite colour (it was purple)...and I went shopping early Saturday morning, went in to about 20 shops and found anything purple that I thought Holliekins may like. By the end of my rather frantic shopping spree, I had come out with two bracelets, a scarf and a light up stress reliever alien squidgy toy thing. I had also bought a purple card, a purple birthday bag AND a MAHOOSIVE "It's my birthday!" badge, for the birthday girl to wear.

Due to the fact that Hollie is such an amazing person and doesn't like people making a fuss of her, she got a little up-tight with my excitement (I was genuinely SO excited for her birthday... I couldn't sleep). However, her up-tightyness had come to an end by the end of the day... Georgia (a rather good friend) and I, had done our job of making Hollie's birthday well known for the rest of the sixth form. Georgia went about telling people it was Hollies birthday by just blurting it out to people that Hollie knew... However, I was slightly more tactile with my approach. I deliberately only told people who were most commonly known as "big-mouths" this was because if I told them, it would then spread like wild-fire to the rest of the sixth form. This worked perfectly, as during one of our lessons, I told a friend, who started singing "Happy Birthday" rather loudly, which caught every ones attention, which made Hollie's birthday known by the whole of our class (I'm a good friend really ☺) This was then followed by Hollie announcing how much she hated me. Which I was fine with, because, you know, I had let everyone know of such a special occassion.

As the day drew to a close, and Hollie, Georgia and I were on our journey home, Hollie insisted that she buy us all ice creams (it's a little thing we do, we take turns to buy ice-creams) I did not want Hollie to buy such an item because it was her birthday, but I knew insisting wouldn't get me anywhere, so I just nodded and was content with my ice cream :). We had one too many laughs on the journey home. An hours journey seemed like 20 minutes... All because it was Hollies birthday


♥♥ Jenni-Bubble ♥♥

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