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Just Jenni, and my blog. Whether it's ranting or inspirational. Weekly blogs will be posted... If I'm not busy :)

Monday 30 April 2012

Beautiful Birthday Wishes

Above ^^ is the beautiful birthday girl. Isn't she amazingly beautiful? No homo :p

Now, as I am unfortunately an August born baby, I do not have the amazing advantage of being able to celebrate my birthday during school time... So this is why I was so excited for such an occasion. Having a friend who's birthday is during the week and NOT during a holiday is a rarity for me... So as I do, I went all out on birthday presents... I gave myself a budget of £10- £15, which really in all honesty, isn't that much. I found out the birthday girls favourite colour (it was purple)...and I went shopping early Saturday morning, went in to about 20 shops and found anything purple that I thought Holliekins may like. By the end of my rather frantic shopping spree, I had come out with two bracelets, a scarf and a light up stress reliever alien squidgy toy thing. I had also bought a purple card, a purple birthday bag AND a MAHOOSIVE "It's my birthday!" badge, for the birthday girl to wear.

Due to the fact that Hollie is such an amazing person and doesn't like people making a fuss of her, she got a little up-tight with my excitement (I was genuinely SO excited for her birthday... I couldn't sleep). However, her up-tightyness had come to an end by the end of the day... Georgia (a rather good friend) and I, had done our job of making Hollie's birthday well known for the rest of the sixth form. Georgia went about telling people it was Hollies birthday by just blurting it out to people that Hollie knew... However, I was slightly more tactile with my approach. I deliberately only told people who were most commonly known as "big-mouths" this was because if I told them, it would then spread like wild-fire to the rest of the sixth form. This worked perfectly, as during one of our lessons, I told a friend, who started singing "Happy Birthday" rather loudly, which caught every ones attention, which made Hollie's birthday known by the whole of our class (I'm a good friend really ☺) This was then followed by Hollie announcing how much she hated me. Which I was fine with, because, you know, I had let everyone know of such a special occassion.

As the day drew to a close, and Hollie, Georgia and I were on our journey home, Hollie insisted that she buy us all ice creams (it's a little thing we do, we take turns to buy ice-creams) I did not want Hollie to buy such an item because it was her birthday, but I knew insisting wouldn't get me anywhere, so I just nodded and was content with my ice cream :). We had one too many laughs on the journey home. An hours journey seemed like 20 minutes... All because it was Hollies birthday


♥♥ Jenni-Bubble ♥♥

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Controller

As the youngest of my family, I have a deep emotional attachment to all members. However, almost 4 years ago, one of my close family members got in to a relationship with a girl. All was well until last year. She started becoming controlling, and due to my emotional attachment to this family member, I was displeased.

The nice and loveable girlfriend had turned into the evil and controlling female that was taking my family member away from me. Her and I always had slight issues, but recently she'd been pushing my buttons a little too hard, and had started to really bug me.

Now, lets start from the first incident... Picture this, 3 young people (E,C,G) , in a kitchen... The eldest young person (C) is doing every day household chores, the youngest (G) is doing the same. The person in the middle (E), is standing... Doing nothing. E is standing by the fridge... Within millimetres of the handle of said fridge... E ASKS C to grab a drink from the fridge because E's hurt her leg...

Honestly, She was standing right there... but like a loyal dog C got the drink for E and wagged his tail... 

I was appalled by this behaviour, I mentioned something to my dad... And as the wise old man my father is... He said "we can't do anything, he's her bitch. Live with it"

So, as a young person, I took his advice, and carried on with my teenagery life.

Sooner or later, E stopped talking to me, E thought that I was taking C away from E... I was shocked C was MY family member... I've known C longer... 17 years in fact... that's 13 years more than E knows C... So I let E stop talking to me... and floated around E like a ghost, trying to annoy E to make E talk to me... (I'm such an immature little git) 

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months... I decided to confront E... Find out the reason behind E's silence... I apologised and everything went back to normal... (E started pretending to be my best friend again)

Everything was fine until more recently.... A few hours ago in fact... I was sitting in a room with C and E... E decides to mention to C that E forgot to thank a family member for sponsoring E to do something... I mentioned that I was doing the race for life in July (for any that would like to sponsor, you can donate online at www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/karolinaandjenni... Cheers people) I also mentioned that my Nan had donated £30 to me and a friend for the race for life, Although we are only doing 3 miles, but nonetheless we're still participating. E's reply was "I raised like £500 in a week and you're only walking a poxy 3 miles" Sorry LOVE! but I'm participating in the race for life in memory of my late mother and to save potential lives... So suck on it ! (If you haven't already noticed, my hatred for E is ridiculous)

Also, more recently, like LITERALLY during the writing of this blog. E walked in to my room.... Stole a Flake from my desk and decided to throw it at my head... Immature? I would say so... But this is how she acts on a regular basis.

So all I have to say for now is that certain people over the age of 18 need to act their age and realise that some people do not like being called a "whore" because you fancy like calling them it... Also, stop stealing my Coca Cola.... It's mine... You want to play dirty, I will too... My Cola dude, not yours... Get your own cola

Ciao for now :) x

Monday 23 April 2012

Rising Sexuality In Children

As per usual, I was on the bus travelling home from college with two of my mates. Whilst having our own conversation about our experiences at college that day, we all overheard some of the younger pupils from the lower school. This was the conversation that was overheard:
Girl 1: "Oh my days, actually I'm 12 not 13"
Boy 1: "Don't matter how old you are, you still having sex"

When my mates and I heard this, we were all pretty shocked. As all of us are over the age of 16 and this was disturbing to US. Some of the lines that ran through my head were:
"At your age I was doing homework not my boyfriend"
"When I was your age I was playing with Lego not penis'"

My thinking, then distracted by a text message from the friend sitting next me "Dear Lord". As I received this text I decided to listen in to more of the conversation. Wrong? In some ways. Eaves dropping has always been frowned upon, but over-hearing some of the conversations of 12 year olds who think they're "in love" with their boyfriend and want to "marry them" is absolutely ridiculous.I know of 25 year olds who have been in relationships since they were 17 and haven't thought of marriage at all.

As many know, children are becoming mature a lot quicker. This may be due to the rising pregnancies in teenagers , may be due to the type of music that children listen to. Take Rihanna's hit "Rude Boy" for example.
"Come here rude boy, boy can you get it up? Come here rude boy, boy is you big enough?"
Now, to me, that seems quite sexual. To younger children, they may have no idea what it's about, and will go around saying it to people, becoming provocative. This then leads to increased sexuality.

At the weekend, I saw a few family members. My cousin was there and she's 14, I saw her, and had to take a SECOND look. She was plastered in make-up wearing a see-through black dress and 3-inch heels. She's my cousin, I shouldn't need to take second looks. I can't be hypocritical because I was wearing make-up at a young age (ONLY due to the fact that I performed on stage and it's compulsory you wear make-up) I wore make-up for my own benefit when I got to the age of 16 and that was only the odd bit of eye-make up  only if I could be bothered..

Back to the subject at hand, the children at the back of the bus were rather loud and were telling each other their sexual experiences, my friends and I were only a few seats in front of them and was over-hearing every disturbing word:

Girl 2: Fine, I won't kiss you... or FUCK you tonight
Girl 1: That's my cousin blud!

Expressions were ":O" for at least 5 minutes.

This is shocking, no child at the age of 12 should be talking about sex... Unless it's about what they learned in Sex Education that day. Revolting, disgusting and uncalled for...

Rant Over...

See you next time :) x