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Friday 1 June 2012

Are you strong? Are you beautiful? I think you are, you should too

Today, I may get some rather bad news and although it could be life-changing, I feel that the world around me should know that I am strong enough to hope for the best. As it goes, breast cancer runs in my family... I do not want sympathy, but yes, it is possible that today I may be told that I have breast cancer. Though I am rather worried about the consequences I feel that my life will be fine because I have loving people around me who care about me and want me to be healthy. Although I don't dwell on the fact that it runs in my family, I live my life to the fullest extent and see no point in taking risks.

To be brutally honest, the reason for writing this is a Facebook status I posted earlier. Which brought to my attention how strong some people are in this world. Writing this status made me realise that many people in the world are a lot worse off than me, and are more capable of dealing with their problems. The issue many people have, however, is that they find it hard to open up about their feelings and tell people how they truly feel. I had a strange phone call from a friend the other night. As he was venting his anger, it made me come to the conclusion that it IS very hard to open up about your feelings when you've kept them bottled up for so long. Truth is sweetie, that keeping feelings bottled inside leads to higher risks of depression and other mental health issues. So why not find a friend you trust and vent your feelings that way? Although it may be hard, it's easier to talk to someone whom you trust. 

"The strongest of people are those that have been through the hardest and are still smiling. They hurt inside but they carry on laughing. They are there for friends but don't ask for anything in return. These strong people are probably reading this status right now. And are smiling to themselves thinking "that's me" everyone is strong in their own way. Everyone has their own problems, but most of all. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on... Because some days. Smiling isn't enough. Some days, it gets too much, and even the strongest of people break. If you're reading this status, you are strong, beautiful, independent and amazing in your own perfect way. Don't let anyone tell you differently"

Right now. All over the world. As you read this, there is someone crying, someone dying, someone smiling, someone giving birth, someone losing a loved one, someone self-harming, someone being told bad news, but isn't that what life is all about?
Just think, next time you judge someone, what's their story? Do they act that way because of their childhood? Because they've been hurt? Because they're stressed? Because they just can't cope? Don't try to deny it, because everyone does it. We all see someone and think "What the hell?" If we see a young girl on public transport covered in a heavy amount of make-up, we think negatively about them. Perhaps they have a no confidence in themselves and cover it with make-up. We see someone who looks a little different. They may have had something happen to them that made them look like that. But everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is beautiful. Whether you think so or not. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Just remember that when people put you down, when people judge you, when people give you strange looks. You, my dear friend, are beautiful